Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Installing and Running OpenFOAM and Paraview Introduction to OpenFOAM Introduction to Paraview Install OpenFOAM and Paraview through Synaptic Package Manager Install OpenFOAM and P..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Creating simple geometry in OpenFOAM Simple geometry BlockMeshDict file in openfoam Co-ordinate numbering and value Meshing parameters Boundary patches Paraview


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Creating curved geometry in OpenFOAM Steps for creating curved geometry Example of flow over cylinder Breaking the geometry into blocks BlockMeshDict file structure Arcs for..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Simulating flow in a Lid Driven Cavity using OpenFOAM Problem specification File structure of Lid Driven Cavity Boundary Conditions Meshing the Geometry Checking the geometr..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Supersonic flow over a wedge using OpenFOAM Problem specification Boundary conditions BlockMeshDict file of wedge Mesh parameters of wedge Compressible solver Paraview ..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Two Dimensional Analysis of laminar flow through a channel Problem specification File structure of channel flow Set up boundary conditions Meshing the geometry About the sol..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Turbulent flow in a lid driven cavity using OpenFOAM Problem specification Boundary conditions Solver and file structure of Lid Driven Cavity Meshing the geometry Solving ..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Flow over a flat plate using OpenFOAM Problem specification Fundamental problem in fluid mechanics Description of flow over flat plate File structure of Flow over flat plate ..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow Problem specification Formulas and analytical solution About the solver Pressure and Velocity Boundary Conditions Setting up the Case Directory and modifying the..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Introduction to Salome Salome website Creating an account Logging in Downloading and saving the appropriate version of binaries Installing Salome to the right location Starting Salome


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Creating and meshing a curved pipe geometry in Salome for OpenFOAM Starting Salome Creating a curved pipe geometry using Geometry module Grouping the objects appropriately Mesh the geometry usin..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Starting Salome and opening the previously created .hdf file Grouping mesh parts as they are required in OpenFOAM Exporting the mesh in .unv file Setting up the case directory Converting the mesh..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Introduction to snappyHexMesh in OpenFOAM Methodology for snappyHexMesh Learning different parameters in snappyHexMeshDict


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Generating mesh using snappyHexMesh utility Problem specification About the solver File structure of flange Meshing the geometry by snappyHexMesh Solving Paraview visualization Re..


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: -blockMeshDict -OpenFOAM utility to import mesh -Import mesh files from Third party meshing softwares like Fluent, CFX, IdeasUnv Flow over a cylinder importing "...


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Installing and running Gmsh Gmsh introduction Installing Gmsh Running Gmsh Create basic geometry in Gmsh Example: Creating a cube Define faces Define Volume


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Aerofoil .dat and .geo file Gmsh Meshing the aerofoil


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Gmsh script introduction Create sphere geometry in Gmsh Basic manipulations using the file with extensions .geo


Foss: OpenFOAM - English

Outline: Unstructured mesh Generation Basic Manipulations using the file with extension .geo Mesh optimization using Netgen Mesh conversion
