Vector Addition
- Vectors
- Vector Addition
Learn how to add vectors. Drag vectors onto a graph, change their length and angle, and sum them together. The magnitude, angle, and components of each vector can be displayed in several formats.
Sample Learning Goals
- Explain vector representations in their own words.
- Convert between the angular form of vectors and the component form.
Standards Alignment
Common Core - Math
(+) Recognize vector quantities as having both magnitude and direction. Represent vector quantities by directed line segments, and use appropriate symbols for vectors and their magnitudes (e.g., v, |v|, ||v||, v).
(+) Find the components of a vector by subtracting the coordinates of an initial point from the coordinates of a terminal point.
(+) Add and subtract vectors.
Add vectors end-to-end, component-wise, and by the parallelogram rule. Understand that the magnitude of a sum of two vectors is typically not the sum of the magnitudes.
Given two vectors in magnitude and direction form, determine the magnitude and direction of their sum.
Version 2.02
Teacher Tips
Overview of sim controls, model simplifications, and insights into student thinking ( PDF ). |
Teacher-Submitted Activities
Title | Authors | Level | Type | Subject | ||
Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based) | Trish Loeblein | UG-Intro HS |
MC | Physics | ||
Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based) | Trish Loeblein | UG-Intro HS |
HW Lab Demo |
Physics | ||
Vector Addition 1: Introduction to vector math (Inquiry Based) | Trish Loeblein | HS UG-Intro |
CQs Lab |
Physics Mathematics |
Vector Addition 2: Understanding Force equilibrium (Inquiry Based) | Trish Loeblein | UG-Intro HS |
Other | Physics Mathematics |
PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum | Julia Chamberlain | HS UG-Intro |
Other | Chemistry | ||
Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS | Trish Loeblein | HS | Other | Chemistry Earth Science Biology Physics |
How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program? | Sarah Borenstein | MS | Other | Biology Physics Earth Science Chemistry |
CCSS Math Alignment with Sims | Amanda McGarry | MS K-5 HS |
Other | Mathematics | ||
Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics | Jaya Ramchandani | HS | Other | Physics | ||
MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment | Elyse Zimmer | HS MS |
Other | Chemistry Biology Physics |
PhET Simulations Aligned for AP Physics C | Roberta Tanner | HS | Other | Physics | ||
Virtual Vector Lab - Components & Trig Operations | Jeremy Smith | HS | Lab | Mathematics Physics |
Vector Tug-of-War | Patrick Foley | HS | Lab Guided |
Physics Mathematics |
a problem | Mohammad Alshahrani | UG-Intro HS |
HW | Mathematics Physics |
Vector Activity | Amy Jordan | HS | Lab | Physics | ||
Kinematics | Wang Yunhe | HS | Lab | Physics | ||
Vector Walk | Duane Dolejsi | HS UG-Intro |
Lab | Physics Mathematics |
Vector Dot Product | Sue Popelka | HS | Lab | |||
Addition and Resolution of Vectors | Chow CW | UG-Intro HS |
CQs HW Lab |
Physics | ||
1 Dimensional Motion - Kinematics and Graphing | Sarah Stanhope | HS | Lab | |||
Force Vectors | Peter Amato-von Hemert | HS | Lab | Physics | ||
Introduction to Vectors | Katherine Frett | HS | Lab | Physics Mathematics |
Clases Demostrativas Interactivas (ILD) de Vectores | Diana López | HS UG-Intro |
Discuss Demo |
Physics | ||
Vectoren optellen | Bastiaan Vinke | HS | Guided | Physics | ||
Introductie vectorrekening | Nathalie van der Weiden | HS | Lab Guided |
Physics | ||
벡터 더하기 SIM 사용설명서 | 이화국(Wha Kuk Lee) | HS UG-Intro |
HW Lab Demo |
Mathematics Physics |
Soma Vetorial | Diego Oliveira Silva, Gilvandenys Leite Sales | MS HS |
Guided | Physics Mathematics |
Practica de Vectores. | walter Manuel Trujillo Yaipen | UG-Adv UG-Intro Grad |
Lab HW Guided |
Physics |
Windows | Macintosh | Linux |
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 Macromedia Flash 9 or later
OS X 10.9.5 or later Macromedia Flash 9 or later
Macromedia Flash 9 or later
Design Team | Third-party Libraries | Thanks To |